HomeDivinationHow do mediums and clairvoyants work?

How do mediums and clairvoyants work?

Many people use the services of those with spiritual abilities to gain insight into what the future holds, but how does it actually work? It is difficult to describe the sixth sense, and its existence has not been scientifically proven. However, a brief explanation may be helpful in understanding how mediums, clairvoyants and other spiritual specialists work.

If you're considering a paid consultation with a medium, it's best to first check whether that person is the right one to help you. A few tips will help you navigate the world of mediums, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and others offering similar services.

Medium or clairvoyant?

Both mediums and clairvoyants have a sixth sense and can pick up other people's energy. The course of a consultation is usually an individual experience, depending on the person you are consulting, and can vary even from session to session. The biggest difference is that a clairvoyant tunes into the energy of living people or animals, while mediums can also pick up the energy of the dead. Before you schedule a consultation, check whether the person describes himself as a medium or clairvoyant. Knowing who will best respond to your needs can save you a lot of time and money.

What is the work of a clairvoyant?
What is the work of a clairvoyant?

Want to ask a question of a deceased person or have ghosts At home? In that case, you should consult a medium. This is their domain. Also ask if they have experience with your problem. For example, not every medium can clear a house of ghosts.

If you want to find out where the behavior of a living person around you is coming from, or what your own unconscious fears are, you should consult a clairvoyant. Some mediums can also "enter" a living person and thus do the work of a clairvoyant.

Clairvoyance, clairvoyance and clairaudience

A person who describes himself as clear-sighted works mainly with feeling the emotions of others. Such a person takes on the feelings of the person about whom he is trying to get information.

Clairvoyants, on the other hand, receive images. This can occur in two ways: as a vision or an image of something that is in another place or time. These images can be blurred or sharp. Mediums can also see the dead in this way.

The hearing impaired are picking up words. Mediums who can hear their spirit guides and spirits are called clear-hearing. Sometimes the thoughts of others can also be perceived as words. Thus, telepathy can be a form of clairvoyance.

A medium may have a combination of sixth senses. For example, someone may be clear-sighted and clear-hearing, but may not receive images. Some mediums and clairvoyants have all sixth senses and perceive everything like a kind of movie with sound, images and emotions.


Some media use tools to support their gift. These can be cards, pendulum, crystal balls, wand, tea leaves, tarot cards, chiromancy, runes... Throughout the ages, almost everything, even the entrails of animals, has been used as a divination tool. The substance used during the consultation is not important. The truth is that divination tools serve as additional support in attunement and are a guide to gaining insight, but in some cases they are unnecessary. In fact, they are simply a translation of what a clairvoyant or medium perceives with his sixth sense, or at least they should be.

Keep in mind that there are also scammers who can safely be called card readers rather than fortune tellers. In Tarot, for example, each card has its own meaning and tells part of the story, but it is the interpretation of that story in relation to your life that determines the value of the consultation. If you feel like you're learning more about the Tarot than you are about yourself, you can learn from it.

Predicting the future

Fortune tellers are people who predict the future. The truth is that some people may feel so strongly that they sense future patterns or possibilities, or see them in visions, but this is never certain. In short: predictions of the future should always be taken with a pinch of salt. The future cannot be predicted. If a fortune teller assures you that something will happen, it is often a shot, but you will also find that if you consult ten fortune tellers, you can get ten different predictions.

Therefore, treat divination as entertainment rather than real guidance. Real mediums and clairvoyants will never predict the future 100 percent and make it clear that any form of divination is only for gaining insight and exploring possibilities, but never for certainty. In some places, predicting the future is officially forbidden.

What questions can be asked?

Many people ask questions about someone else. What does this person think of me? Is this a question that should be asked during a spiritual consultation? You may ask yourself if it is ethical to do so. If you don't have a clear question, you won't get a clear answer either. Many people ask the wrong questions and don't get insight. If you pay for a consultation, prepare it well and ask questions whose answers can lead to insight into your situation.

Consulting a medium or clairvoyant has no legal value. For example, you may think your partner is cheating on you. A spiritual advisor can sense this and confirm it, but this will not provide legal evidence you can use in a divorce case. Spiritual counselors are also not allowed to comment on medical issues, much less make diagnoses. Only doctors are authorized to do so. A true medium in such matters will refer you to a doctor. A consultation is only valuable if you want to gain insight into your problem and want to solve it yourself based on that insight.

What can go wrong?

Many people depend on the predictions of the media and clairvoyants and do not take responsibility for their lives. For example, someone who has been unemployed for a long time asks a medium if he will find a job. The medium says that a good job will appear within a year. That person stops applying and waits for that job. A year passes, and that person is angry with the medium because that job has not appeared.

There is also a scientifically proven self-fulfilling prophecy, according to which you will live according to the advice of a psychic. For example, someone who has been single for a long time and has lost faith in the love, he or she hears from the medium that a new loving partner will appear, and this person will unknowingly believe it again and meet someone with whom he or she will "spark". So the consultation can be quite positive and have a happy ending.

People may also go against the medium's advice. For example, the medium advises against buying a particular house. The customer doesn't listen and buys it anyway. That person moves into it and suddenly there are many hidden defects that the medium warned against.

In other words, always use your own good sense and take responsibility for your decisions. If you really want to know your future, you must first of all realize that you have more control over yourself than you think. Spiritual consultation is only valuable if you want to gain insight into how to take control of your future. No one can predict it for you.

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