Have you ever felt instant affection or dislike for someone you just met? It could be the influence of the aura! The aura is an energetic field that surrounds every living being and even items and places. In this article we will take a closer look at this fascinating phenomenon.
What is an aura?
The aura is not just a static image of our energy, but a dynamic field that is constantly changing with our thoughts, emotions and experiences. It is also influenced by the environment we are in, the people we encounter and even the objects we surround ourselves with. Imagine the aura as a multicolored, pulsating mist that surrounds your body, expanding and contracting, glowing with bright colors or dimming in response to external and internal stimuli.
Although most people can't see an aura with the naked eye, many can sense it intuitively. Do you sometimes feel "good" or "bad" energy emanating from someone? This is what may be the perception of that person's aura. It is worth paying attention to such signals, as they can help us intuitively choose company and avoid negative influences.

How to feel the aura?
Receiving an aura is a subtle process that requires attention and openness. It's not always an immediate "hit" of energy, sometimes it's a subtle impression, a whisper of intuition that tells us whether a person is "good" for us or whether we should keep our distance. It is worth learning to recognize these signals, as they can help us navigate the world of interpersonal relationships.
If you want to read auras more consciously, you can try different techniques. Radiesthesia, or the use of a pendulum or wand, is one of them. By observing the movements of the pendulum, we can learn a lot about the energy of a person or place. Another method is to develop the ability to "see auras." It involves practicing visual perception and learning to recognize subtle energy colors and shapes. There are various courses and workshops that can help with this.
Remember, however, that aura reading is not fun. It requires responsibility and an ethical approach. Never interpret another person's aura without their permission, and always treat this information with respect and sensitivity.
Colors of the aura
The colors of the aura can tell us a lot about a person. However, it is worth remembering that the interpretation of aura colors is complex and should not be treated rigidly. One color can have many shades and meanings, depending on the context and individual characteristics of the person.
White, while often associated with purity and innocence, can also symbolize high levels of spiritual energy, enlightenment or connection to higher realms. Black while, although sometimes equated with negativity, it can indicate hidden emotions, secrets or the need for introspection.
Colors Yang – red, yellow i blue - are the colors of activity, expansion and extroversion. Red It symbolizes life energy, passion, but also anger and aggression. Yellow Is the color of intellect, optimism and creativity. Blue while it brings peace, harmony and intuition.
Colors Yin – orange, green i violet - are the colors of introversion, receptivity and spirituality. Orange stands for joy, creativity and enthusiasm. Green It symbolizes harmony, healing and connection to nature. Purple Is the color of spirituality, intuition and wisdom.
In addition to the primary colors, other colors such as pink, brown, gold or silver can also appear in the aura. Each carries its own unique meaning and can provide valuable information about a person.
In addition to the primary colors, mixed colors can also appear in the aura, as well as silver and gold.
Meaning of aura
The aura is, in a sense, a mirror of our soul. Its appearance can tell us a lot about what is going on inside us. A harmonious, bright aura, in which colors flow seamlessly from one to another, indicates energy balance, well-being and health. Such a picture of the aura suggests energy flows freely in our body, and we are in harmony with ourselves and the world.
On the other hand, a dark, cloudy aura with an uneven distribution of energy or blockages can indicate all sorts of problems. These can be both physical and emotional problems. For example, dark spots in the aura can signal illness or energy weakness in a particular organ. Energy blockages, on the other hand, can be the result of stress, trauma or negative emotions. It is important to pay attention to such signals and take steps to restore energetic harmony.
Let's remember that the aura is dynamic and constantly changing. What our aura looks like today may not be the same tomorrow. That's why it's important to regularly observe your aura and respond to changes that occur in it. By doing so, we can better understand ourselves and our needs, and promote our health and well-being.
How to strengthen the aura?
Taking care of the aura is an investment in our health and well-being. There are many techniques that can help us do this. Here is some additional information about the methods you mentioned:
Meditation: It is a powerful tool for working with energy. Regular meditation helps to calm the mind, reduce stress and deepen self-awareness. During meditation we can visualize our aura, cleanse it of negative energies and fill it with light. There are many types of meditation, so it is worth experimenting and finding the one that suits us best.
Healing Stones: The vibrations of stones can influence our energy and harmonize our aura. Each stone has its own unique properties. For example, amethyst calms and cleanses, rose quartz opens to love, and citrine adds energy and optimism. It is worth carrying stones whose energy resonates with our needs.
Aromatherapy: The scents of essential oils can have a profound effect on our mood and energy. Some oils, like lavender or chamomile, have a calming and relaxing effect. Others, like lemon or rosemary, stimulate and energize. We can use oils for massage, bathing or diffusion in the room.
Acupressure: It's an ancient Chinese healing method that involves stimulating appropriate points on the body. Acupressure can help improve energy flow in the body, remove blockages and restore energy balance. We can learn acupressure by yourself Or use the help of a specialist.
In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are many other ways to strengthen the aura. It is important to find the ones that suit us best and introduce them into our daily routine.
What weakens the aura?
Our aura is very sensitive to all negative influences. Stress, conflicts, negative emotions - all this reflects on it like dark clouds in the sky. An unhealthy lifestyle, such as lack of sleep, improper nutrition, alcohol or drug abuse, has a similar effect. These factors can weaken our aura, cause energy blocks and make us more susceptible to disease and negative energies.
Imagine your aura as a delicate plant. If you nurture it, care for it, water it and protect it from pests, it will grow strong and healthy. On the other hand, if you neglect it, expose it to stress and harmful conditions, it will begin to wilt and become diseased. The same applies to our aura. If we nurture it through positive thoughts, emotions and a healthy lifestyle, it will be strong and protect us from negative influences. On the other hand, if we expose it to stress and negative energies, it will weaken and become more susceptible to disease.
That is why it is so important to take care of your mental and physical health, avoid stressful situations, resolve conflicts in a constructive way and surround yourself with positive people. Let's remember that our aura is our protective shield, which protects us from negative external influences. Let's take care of it and it will repay us with health, vitality and well-being.
Taking care of aura is like taking care of a garden. It requires regular maintenance, attention and care. Here are some additional tips to help you keep your aura in good shape:
- Conscious breathing: Deep, conscious breathing is a simple yet effective way to cleaning aura and oxygenate your body. Try taking a break a few times a day and focusing on your breathing. Feel the air fill your lungs and then slowly let it out.
- Contact with nature: Spending time in nature is a balm for the soul and body. Walking in the woods, swimming in the sea, watching the sunset - all these things help us to relax, recharge with positive energy and strengthen the aura.
- Music: Listening to music that moves and inspires us can have a positive effect on our aura. Choose music that puts you in a state of harmony and peace.
- Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations, such as "I am strong," "I am healthy," "I am full of energy," can affect our mood and strengthen our aura.
- Attentiveness: Practicing mindfulness, or focusing on the present moment, helps us reduce stress and negative thoughts, which benefits our aura.
- Healthy lifestyle: Remember to eat healthy, get regular physical activity and get enough sleep. This is the basis for well-being and a strong aura.
Remember that your aura is a reflection of your inner world. Take care of your thoughts, emotions and body, and your aura will radiate health and vitality.
Is it true that everyone has an aura? And is it seriously possible to learn to "see" it? 🤔
@daneczka Yes, everyone has an aura, it is an energy field that surrounds all living beings. As for seeing the aura, it's an individual matter. Some people have a natural predisposition, others need to practice a little. There are various techniques, such as meditation, concentration exercises.
And I heard that the aura changes colors depending on the mood. Is that true? When I'm angry, my aura is somehow red or something?
@nibir The colors of the aura can indeed change depending on emotions, health and even thoughts. Red can indicate strong emotions, but not necessarily anger. It can also be energy, passion and even love 😉 It's important to look at the aura holistically, not just individual colors.
And does aura have anything to do with tarot? Because I keep pulling cards lately related to energy, intuition....