Hello! One thing puzzles me... Are we the ones who choose Tarot, or does it choose us? Recently I read an article in which the authors claim that it is the Tarot that chooses people for itself. What do you guys think about this?
Interesting theory. In my experience, it's more the fascination with the Tarot that arises within ourselves and the cards Are a tool that allows us to explore this fascination. I remember finding a deck of cards in my grandmother's attic as a child.... It was like discovering a mysterious world! Tarot has been with me ever since.
My mentor told me her story because I was just curious how it all started especially since she helped me a lot. She said that it's the tarot that chooses people the issue is just in making the paths with the tarot cross. She also talked about things that my mind really doesn't grasp anymore, which is how it can be that even what deck matters because not every deck is written for everyone.
I think it depends on the person. There are some people who have always felt attracted to esotericism, to symbolism, to looking behind the curtain of reality. For them, Tarot is a natural choice. But there are also those who come across the cards by accident and discover something in them that they did not know before. It's like with any other tool - it can serve us if we know how to use it.
@arbogi Exactly. Tarot is not a magical entity that decides its own fate. It is we humans who give it meaning, interpret symbols, use its wisdom. Of course, you can believe in destiny, in the fact that certain things are written to us.... But ultimately it is we who decide whether we want to follow the path of the Tarot.
What about those who claim that Tarot "haunts" them, that it appears in their dreams, that they cannot get away from it?
@wiciol This could be a sign that the Tarot has an important message for them. Or simply the effect of a strong interest that penetrates the subconscious. I know people who initially approached the Tarot with detachment, and then completely lost themselves in it.
It's important to keep a balance. Tarot should not rule us. We should direct it, use it consciously and with care.
@arbogi That's right. Tarot is the key to self-discovery, to understanding ourselves and the world around us. But it is we who hold this key in our hands.
I see you are discussing whether we choose Tarot or it chooses us. In my opinion, this is a more complex issue. It's like asking whether we choose our path in life, or whether it is predestined for us.
destiny is one thing but ability and gift is another, nevertheless here you are also right about the complex subject of tarot decks not everyone is able to use every deck, not everyone talks the way the diviner wants, I think that from here there was this beautiful tradition, that grandmothers handed down to their grandchildren their decks, beautiful hand-painted one of a kind and the only copies on earth of these card works of art
I see you are discussing whether we choose Tarot or it chooses us. In my opinion, this is a more complex issue. It's like asking whether we choose our path in life, or whether it is predestined for us.
Interesting comparison. Do you believe in destiny?
Interesting comparison. Do you believe in destiny?
I think we have some influence over our lives, but there are also forces we don't control. This may sound a bit mystical, but I believe that each of us has a mission to fulfill. And Tarot can help us discover it.
@kapturek Yes, you could say that. Tarot helps us understand ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses, our talents and predispositions. This allows us to make better decisions, to shape our lives more consciously.
What about those who use Tarot to divine the future? Isn't this an attempt to interfere with fate?