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Ritual for getting to know your future husband

Joined: 4 months ago
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Od najmłodszych lat aż do dziś, moja babcia namawia mnie do spróbowania pewnej divinations, która jest przekazywana z pokolenia na pokolenie. Ta wróżba ma na celu umożliwienie ujrzenia swojego przyszłego męża. Babcia sama wykonała ten rytuał, będąc panną, i zapewnia mnie, że sprawdził się w jej przypadku bez żadnych zastrzeżeń 🙂

Instructions for performing the ritual: (The whole thing must take place before sunrise!)

* Fill the bucket with water from the well so that nothing spills out of it.

* Fill a glass (preferably transparent so that the view is clearest) with water from a bucket, also so that nothing spills out.

* Cover the windows, place a mirror on a table or desk, and place one white candle on its sides; place a glass of water in front of the mirror, and put a gold ring, a wedding ring (of a woman or a man, it does not matter) in the water.

* Concentrate on the thought of your future spouse while looking in the mirror; soon something will begin to happen in the ring and eventually the image of your future husband will become visible in it.

I have heard that this experience is very intense, although it sounds a little scary to me. However, I am going to try this divination myself, maybe I can finally avoid failed relationships :)))

Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 4

Anyone can confirm the effectiveness of this ritual?

Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 7

Wydaje mi się, że rituals z zastosowaniem lustra mogą być trochę... "śliskie".

Joined: 10 months ago
Posts: 93

@rabina Exactly so... mistakes can be made, and you have to be prepared for that - as for many other things anyway.

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 12

I'm afraid that this ritual may not work 🙂

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 45

What if someone doesn't have a well 😀

Joined: 11 months ago
Posts: 23

Posted by: @rasphul

I'm afraid that this ritual may not work 🙂


It can work, although not for everyone 😉 Truth be told, even without candles and a ring it will work just as well.

