Hi everyone. I'm hoping someone can help me with this issue because I can't handle it on my own. Nothing has been going right in my life for a long time. I can't find a job, although I send a lot of documents (no one even invites me to interviews - total lack of response). My emotional life is some kind of failure, I'm 32 years old, and I'm single, I live with my parents, I can't arrange my life, become independent. This has been going on for about 5-6 years now, and everything collapsed on my head at once. Before that I studied, I had a job, for several years I was in a relationship with a person with whom I planned a future together, and here suddenly the end of everything - I got fired from my job, I split up with my boyfriend. And since then nothing has changed. A complete standstill. From time to time, I have some internship, some black job, but nothing permanent. I like men, but nothing comes of it, a short flirtation and that's it, I have the impression that they do not take me seriously. I'll also mention that about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with an incurable colon disease (maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, because my mother suffers from it and I inherited it from her, but still.... still a disease on top of all this). I have no idea why this is happening, why I'm so unwell. Some time ago I asked for a fortune teller here, and it came out in it that in the next 5 years I don't see any changes in my life! I'm broken, I have depressive states, I'm losing the meaning of life because of all this.
I wonder if, by chance, someone is wishing me badly or is jealous. I have an aunt who they say has a "bad eye" - When she praises plants, they wilt, they don't want to grow. When she delights in animals, they immediately get sick. My aunt has repeatedly dwelled on me "Madzia this, Madzia that...". Maybe she somehow unknowingly "cast a spell" on me? I still have to mention my uncle's family (mom's brother), with whom we live in conflict - he and his wife have always envied us, ever since we moved near them and built a house. We haven't been able to get along ever since. It has always bothered them that I am out of college, work in a law firm, have a boyfriend, and their daughters (at the time) do not. My aunt would come to our house, observe, and then what she saw she would recreate at home. It even came to frivolous situations when we did a room renovation - they did it at their place. When we bought paintings (over the Internet), they ordered paintings (over the Internet!). My mother made a path of stones in front of the house, my aunt did the same thing the next day. With their three daughters, my cousins, I competed all my life - which one is prettier, smarter, better. Seemingly childish games, but they continue to this day.
About 2 years ago I was at a fair near the church, wandering between the booths, when suddenly a gypsy woman standing behind her table told me that someone was wishing me badly and that I should carry a red thread on the left side of my body with me at all times. My mother, on the other hand, was told to undo the charm by pouring wax over me while I was sleeping, and to burn what would form from the poured wax (that's how my mother remembered it). She didn't cast the charm, because I have a very "light" sleep and wake up to every rustle, so she didn't even try. But I wore the thread tied to my bra for a long time. Somehow I didn't notice an improvement....
Can anyone tell me whether what is happening in my life is the result of someone's deliberate action, or the most ordinary bad luck? And is it possible to change something, to break this bad streak somehow, to make things work out at last? I am very sorry for such a long post, but I wanted to outline the matter clearly and in detail.
I wouldn't give credence to gypsy women. Their talk of having unfavorable people around you who envy you and cast spells on you is a standard text they use to make money. Just like the "paper bill" number, because small coins supposedly can't ward off spells. You can't accuse these women of being innovative 😀 .
If you really feel the need, you can try to check the situation with the help of cards at some good tarotist (on this forum you will also find such specialists). If it turns out that something is up, it is worth going to someone familiar with taking off charms (you can always go to the Podlasie region to the whisperers). However, if you have no experience in magical matters, I would not recommend trying to remove them yourself.
The color red has long been considered protective against negative energies and misfortune. In the past, parents used to put something red on young children, such as thread or ribbon, to protect them. Today, it's popular to wear red panties to graduation for good luck.
True gypsy women gifted with the gift of clairvoyance do not boast of their abilities in public or fortune tellers for money. Rather, they operate within their own community. To my grandmother, when she was young, a gypsy woman predicted the future, which came true over the years - both in terms of children and her husband. For her services, she then took only a hen as payment.
Information about wearing a red thread or something red-colored as protection against evil forces comes from old Slavic oral tradition and the few surviving written sources. Unfortunately, many valuable accounts of Slavic beliefs and rituals have never been recorded in writing.
What was of greatest value was deliberately not written down so that the secret knowledge would not fall into the wrong hands of outsiders. Ancient practices and rituals were passed down orally from generation to generation only among initiates.
That is why today so few ancient Slavic books treating magical rituals, amulets or symbols such as the red thread have survived. Most of this knowledge has passed irretrievably with the passage of time and cultural changes.
@sheina I am not sure if colors Red and black repel evil powers, or even attract them. This issue seems ambiguous.
On the one hand, red is associated with energy, life force and can serve a protective function, warding off negative influences. Hence the wearing of red thread or lighting red candles as an amulet.
On the other hand, black symbolizes darkness, the unknown and even death, which can attract impure and demonic forces. Black onyx is sometimes considered a stone that attracts evil energies.
Burnt ash also has ambiguous overtones - it can be used to ward off demons, but is also a relic after a ritual to summon unwanted powers.
So these colors are sometimes used both for protective purposes and for practices that attract dark influences. Their meaning depends on the intention and context in which they are used. I haven't fully figured out what their proper role is yet.