
Lack of happiness - ch...
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Lack of luck - is it a curse?

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For many I have been experiencing a series of setbacks and difficulties in various spheres of life. Previously, things came more easily, but now I'm struggling with stagnant relationships, relationship breakdowns and the inability to find a permanent partner. At first I attributed this to my depression, which I've been struggling with for a long time, but now I think it's more of a happiness deficit and widespread gridlock in all aspects of my life.

I consulted a psychic who has a reputation for helping with charms. She saw in her visions a curse, perhaps a family curse, stretching back three generations, that would end with me and not extend to my children. Although the offer to perform the ritual was free, I did not take it, approaching these matters with caution.

Mimo sceptycyzmu, czasami mam wrażenie, że jakieś siły wyższe negatywnie wpływają na moje życie. Dręczą mnie także niepokojące dreams. Postanowiłam zatem skonsultować się z kartami tarota, choć przyznam, że od dawna ich nie używałam i wyszłam z wprawy w interpretacji.

Moje pytania i wylosowane cards to:

1 Cause of failure: Devil, 4 of Cups, Rebirth

2. is there a curse/urok upon me: 2 Buns  

3. what to do to improve fate: Queen of Swords

The devil is associated with a curse, and the arrangement of the 1 of questions may mean bad karma from previous incarnations that blocks me and prevents me from moving forward. The 2 of Bulls seems to rule out the existence of a curse, suggesting a rather unfavorable environment. The Queen of Swords may be advice to detach from the current environment, to keep a cool analysis of the situation without emotion. 

I would like to ask for help in interpreting these cards.


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It seems that the crux of your situation is not any curse or charm, but rather the lack of motivation for life and the absence of a person who would inspire and motivate you. This is not necessarily about a life partner who will change your fate like in fairy tales, but about someone - a woman or a man - who would be optimistic and give you energy to act.

It could even be someone who is physically unavailable to you, such as a moral authority on TV or an actor you admire. The important thing is to find someone who inspires and drives you to action.

Your interpretation of the cards drawn - the Devil, 4 of Cups and the Court - indicates that you need to take matters into your own hands and stop complaining. You need your own motivation and willingness to take action to feel that you are actually alive and moving forward, instead of being stuck in stagnation.

The key here is to find an inspiring person or source of motivation that will spur you into activity and make you regain the will to live, instead of passively complaining about your fate.

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@kinga-1 I am taking all possible steps to change my life situation. I am actively looking for new employment, I have been trying hard to find a partner for years, and I am open to making new friends. I strive for contacts with people, I am the one who initiates conversations, I smile, I am polite and helpful. However, despite my efforts, I still remain alone, and my situation does not change, everything stands still.

Paradoxically, in the past, when I didn't pay so much attention and focus on these issues, things worked out successfully on their own. Take the job search, for example - about a decade ago, after sending out only a dozen applications, I immediately received several offers of employment. Now, despite the fact that my experience and skills have increased significantly, and I work in a popular industry, I have been intensively applying for various positions for several years and sending out a total of about 100 resumes, but I have not received any responses.

This is a very frustrating experience for me - despite the effort I put in, my commitment and positive attitude towards people, nothing is moving forward. My situation stagnates, and I remain alone, without a satisfying job and a partner by my side. Paradoxically, the more I try, the smaller the results. Previously, when I didn't pay so much attention to these things, they developed positively on their own.

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I understand, the image of the Devil with 4 Cups indicates a kind of vicious circle in which you are currently moving. Not in the esoteric sense, but rather in the colloquial sense - a situation you can't get out of, a repeating pattern.

However, the Final Judgment gives you hope to go to a higher level, to break this apprehension. But for this to happen, you must make an inner transformation. Mature spiritually, learn from successes and failures. Account for the past, forgive others and yourself. Get rid of emotional baggage. Make an examination of conscience.

If you don't do this, the Court will only mean the return of old issues, repeating the same patterns and mistakes. In view of this, you need to think about why you are in this situation, what your qualities and decisions led you here. You can't look for excuses or blame circumstances. You need to take a critical look at yourself to move on from a dead end.

Most likely, no one cursed you. Rather, it was your soul that planned such a stage of life. What you do with it is your choice and responsibility. Breaking the pattern depends on you - on your self-reflection, conclusions and readiness for inner transformation.

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@zingi As a hint you have the Queen of Swords. It is an advice that you "put down" the Queen of Cups in you for a while.

Without going into details, whether it's a change in attitude, personality or just external creation - you need to understand that this aspect of your self represented by the Queen of Cups must temporarily give way to the Queen of Swords. Aside from the fact that Queens of Cups can sometimes be annoying (I have to agree with this with a slight wink) - this advice should be taken seriously and respected.

So the Queen of Swords symbolizes the transformation you should undergo at the moment. Moving away from the emotional approach of the Queen of Cups to the cool, matter-of-fact and distanced attitude of the Queen of Swords. Such a transformation in you may be the key to breaking the vicious circle and moving forward. So it's time to follow this advice and let the Queen of Swords take the helm, at least for a while. 

This is my interpretation.

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I hope I was able to help somehow.

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Transits in natal, especially Saturn and Jupiter. Check this out.

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Thank you all for your replies, it calmed me down a bit. It's nice that there's such a forum and you can talk to each other about such things.

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It seems to me that these difficult times are simply a bad streak, not some curse or charm. Such periods come and go in everyone's life. It looks like this stagnation may have an emotional and mental basis - the Devil symbolizes addictions, toxic habits or bad decisions from the past that block you. The 4 of Cups represents dissatisfaction with life, lack of gratitude. And Rebirth suggests that you need to work through these negative aspects to get things back on track. The 2 of Buns confirms that there is no curse, just temporary problems. For this, the Queen of Swords advises you to remain calm, not to succumb to emotions, but to soberly analyze the situation and definitely make changes. In conclusion, it is not the higher forces that affect your failures, but your own habits, attitude and emotions. Focus on getting rid of toxic behavior and trust that everything will work out after this difficult period. Stay calm and act sensibly, and you will overcome the intimacy. You don't have to resort to magic.
