
Nature magic, wicca...
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Nature magic, wicca, druidism, shamanism

Joined: 3 miesiące ago
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I would like to touch on the subject of nature magic, wicca, druidism and shamanism. What are your experiences with these practices? What do you think about them? Do you believe in the power of nature and its influence on our lives? Share your thoughts.

Joined: 2 miesiące ago
Posts: 4

For centuries, people have felt a connection to nature and have drawn strength from it. Shamans, witches, druids - they all used the power of the earth, plants and elements. Much wisdom can be found in these ancient traditions.

Joined: 4 miesiące ago
Posts: 29

Beliefs w moc natury były obecne w wielu kulturach. Ciekawe, czy te starożytne bóstwa i ghosts naprawdę istnieją, czy może to tylko wytwór ludzkiej wyobraźni?

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Posts: 10

It is worth remembering the role of "witches" in ancient societies. These were not "handmaidens of Satan," but wise women who knew herbalism, midwifery and magic. Their knowledge was invaluable.

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Shamanism is one of the oldest magical practices. Shamans were able to enter trance and communicate with spirits, cure illnesses and guide souls to the hereafter. Many of these practices still survive today in Wicca and Druidism.

Joined: 11 miesiące ago
Posts: 23

@Czulu I'm curious, what do you think about the "evil eye"? Do you believe that someone can transfer negative energy to another person?

Joined: 3 miesiące ago
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@seid Słyszałem o "złym oku", ale nie jestem pewien, czy w to wierzę. Może to tylko przesąd? @Kadula, @Krysztal, @Barni, @Szaman, dzięki za Wasze wypowiedzi! To naprawdę ciekawe tematy. Chciałbym się więcej dowiedzieć o tym, jak można połączyć się z naturą i korzystać z jej mocy.
