Warm welcome,
Bardzo prosze o interpretacje zalaczonych rozkladow kart, dotyczacych wyjasnienia poprzedniego zycia. Przyszla do mnie spontaniczna wizja podczas medytacji I mysle ze ma zwiazek z jednym z poprzednich zyc.Mysle,ze ma to zwiazek z moimi problemami w tym zyciu.Dlatego,tez rozlozylam cards w tym temacie.Prosze o interpretacje historii pokazanej przez karty.Pytanie zadane: Jaka historia wyswietlila mi sie podczas medytacjii?
And when asked why I had these visions in meditation, the following arrangement of cards showed up:
The distribution of the cards can be interpreted as a suggestion of the history of a previous life that influenced your current experience. The World card can symbolize the completion of a cycle or the achievement of something important in a previous incarnation. The Knight indicates action, initiative or exploration that has taken place. Moderation suggests that harmony and balance were sought in this life. The Mage could symbolize the ability to manifest and begin a new phase. The Ace of Denars could refer to new material opportunities or ventures. The lord of clubs could mean exploring new ideas and acting with enthusiasm. The Ace of Cups indicates new emotional beginnings and spiritual growth.
In this distribution, you can see threads of searching, achieving balance and new beginnings that could be related to your current challenges.
Could anyone else comment ? Maybe he saw something more ? 🤗 🧐 ☕ 🤗
And how do you know if the cards showed the truth? Have they been wy-lo-so-wa-wa-wa and can show anything?